Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or just beginning your journey into the wilderness, being a part of a hunting organization can offer a myriad of benefits from education, conservation efforts, camaraderie, and advocacy. Here, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of prominent hunting organizations along with their logos. These groups are dedicated to the sustainable and ethical practices of hunting, ensuring that the tradition is carried on responsibly for future generations. Explore each organization to discover the unique contributions they bring to the hunting community.
Boone and Crockett Club
Founded in 1887 by Theodore Roosevelt and George Bird Grinnell, the Boone and Crockett Club is one of the oldest wildlife conservation organizations in North America. Named in honor of the legendary frontiersmen Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett, the club has been at the forefront of the conservation movement, emphasizing the ethical and sustainable use of wildlife resources. Central to its mission is the belief in the “fair chase” hunting ethic, which stresses respect for the animal and the environment. Beyond its advocacy for responsible hunting, the Boone and Crockett Club has played pivotal roles in the establishment of national parks, wildlife refuges, and the passing of critical conservation legislation. Additionally, they are well-known for their big game scoring system, which sets standards for measuring and recognizing trophy animals, further promoting sustainable hunting practices. Through its various programs, publications, and partnerships, the club continues its commitment to conservation, education, and research, ensuring that North America’s rich wildlife heritage endures for future generations.
Ducks Unlimited
Ducks Unlimited, established in 1937, stands as one of the preeminent leaders in wetlands and waterfowl conservation. With roots in North America, the organization’s influence has expanded internationally, aiming to conserve, restore, and manage wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. However, these habitats also benefit other wildlife and people. DU’s conservation endeavors not only ensure a future for ducks, geese, and swans, but they also provide cleaner water, increased biodiversity, and natural spaces for recreation. Built on a foundation of science and partnership, Ducks Unlimited engages in grassroots efforts that involve volunteers, landowners, partners, and supporters who share a collective passion for wildlife and the outdoors. Through their tireless efforts, Ducks Unlimited has conserved millions of acres, directly contributing to the continued health and viability of waterfowl populations and wetland ecosystems.
Mule Deer Foundation
Founded in 1988, the Mule Deer Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of mule deer, black-tailed deer, and their habitats across North America. Recognizing the challenges these species face due to habitat loss, changing climate, and other factors, MDF has been steadfast in its commitment to restore and improve their natural environments. Through a combination of public partnerships, research initiatives, habitat restoration projects, and advocacy, the organization works diligently to ensure sustainable populations of these iconic deer species. An integral part of MDF’s mission also revolves around education and outreach, aiming to instill an appreciation for wildlife and the importance of conservation in future generations. Through events, programs, and volunteer-driven efforts, the Mule Deer Foundation continuously strives to make a positive and lasting impact on deer conservation and the broader ecosystems they inhabit.
National Deer Association
The National Deer Association was formed from the merger of two highly respected deer organizations: the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) and the National Deer Alliance. Established to unify efforts for the conservation of wild deer, the NDA is dedicated to ensuring the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat, and hunting. By combining the strengths and resources of the two merging organizations, the NDA aims to serve as the leading voice for deer hunters and the champion for wild deer conservation.
Focused on science-based management, advocacy, and education, the NDA tackles critical issues affecting deer and deer hunting, promotes sustainable hunting practices, and works to ensure healthy deer populations. Their initiatives span from habitat improvement projects to hunter education, mentorship, and policy advocacy. With its grassroots approach, the NDA fosters community engagement, ensuring hunters and conservationists have the tools, knowledge, and representation needed to protect and enhance deer and deer habitats.
National Rifle Association
Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association (NRA) is a long-standing organization in the United States dedicated to the preservation of the Second Amendment right to bear arms. While originally founded with the mission of improving marksmanship among American citizens, the NRA has evolved over time and is now primarily recognized for its vigorous advocacy for gun rights. The organization offers various programs in the realms of firearm education, training, and safety, and has a significant influence in American politics, often playing a decisive role in debates over gun control legislation. In addition to its political and educational endeavors, the NRA also sponsors events, publishes magazines, and provides resources for gun owners and enthusiasts.
National Wildlife Federation
The National Wildlife Federation is one of the largest and most recognized conservation organizations in the United States. Founded in 1936, the NWF has dedicated itself to protecting wildlife and their habitats for the benefit of current and future generations. Through its grassroots efforts, the organization actively engages in advocacy, education, and on-the-ground initiatives. The NWF emphasizes the importance of balancing human needs with those of the natural world and is committed to fostering a deep connection between individuals and the outdoors. With affiliates in nearly every state, the Federation’s reach is extensive, promoting conservation efforts on both local and national levels. Their work encompasses a wide range of issues, from combating climate change and promoting clean energy solutions to ensuring the protection of vital habitats for at-risk species.
National Wild Turkey Federation
Founded in 1973, the National Wild Turkey Federation is a non-profit conservation organization committed to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of America’s hunting heritage. At a time when wild turkey numbers were at a historic low, the NWTF played a crucial role in the bird’s recovery by working with wildlife agencies, landowners, and hunters to reintroduce and manage populations across the country. Beyond its efforts for the turkey, the NWTF is also dedicated to conserving and enhancing upland wildlife habitat, which in turn benefits numerous other species. The federation’s initiatives span a wide range, from habitat restoration and protection to hunter education and outreach. By promoting sustainable hunting practices and fostering a love for the outdoors among new generations, the NWTF seeks to ensure that wild turkeys and the traditions surrounding them continue to thrive. Through its local chapters, events, and partnerships, the National Wild Turkey Federation has become a beacon for wildlife conservation and hunting advocacy.
Pheasants Forever
Founded in 1982, Pheasants Forever is a nonprofit conservation organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of pheasant and other wildlife populations through habitat improvement, public awareness, and education. Recognized for its unique model, the organization ensures that 100% of the funds raised by local chapters remain local, directly fueling grassroots conservation efforts. This decentralized approach has resulted in millions of acres of wildlife habitat being conserved or restored. While the primary focus is on the ring-necked pheasant, the habitats improved benefit a wide range of flora and fauna, from pollinators to other upland game birds and species. Beyond habitat projects, Pheasants Forever is deeply invested in nurturing the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts, with youth mentorship and education forming a core part of their mission. Through their efforts, Pheasants Forever seeks to sustain vibrant wildlife populations and preserve America’s rich hunting traditions.
Quail Forever
Established in 2005, Quail Forever is a nonprofit conservation organization focused on the protection, restoration, and enhancement of quail populations in North America. Operating as a sister organization to Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever employs a unique model where local chapters retain 100% of their locally raised conservation funds. This approach allows for grassroots, on-the-ground habitat conservation efforts tailored to each region’s specific needs. While its primary focus is on quail species such as the bobwhite and scaled quail, the habitat projects initiated and supported by Quail Forever benefit a multitude of upland wildlife, from other game birds to pollinators and various flora and fauna. In addition to habitat conservation, the organization is also involved in advocacy, public awareness campaigns, and youth education, aiming to promote the sustainable and ethical hunting of quail and ensuring that the rich traditions surrounding upland bird hunting are passed on to future generations.
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Established in 1984, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is a premier conservation organization dedicated to ensuring the future of elk, other wildlife, and their habitats. With a mission centered on conserving, restoring, and enhancing wild elk populations, the RMEF has been pivotal in protecting and opening up millions of acres of land, ensuring not only the survival of elk but also their ability to thrive.
Beyond land protection, the RMEF’s work extends to research, habitat stewardship, reintroduction initiatives, and public education. Recognizing the integral relationship between hunters and conservation, the foundation also plays a vital role in advocating for hunting heritage and the rights of hunters. Through its local chapters, events, and partnerships, the RMEF has fostered a community of dedicated individuals and entities working collectively for the benefit of elk and the vast landscapes they inhabit.
Safari Club International
Founded in 1972, Safari Club International is a global organization committed to protecting the freedom to hunt and promoting wildlife conservation. With members spread across the globe, SCI works to ensure that hunting’s rich heritage is preserved and that sustainable use hunting continues to play a critical role in the conservation of wildlife and their habitats.
SCI’s multifaceted approach encompasses not only advocacy for hunters’ rights but also significant contributions to wildlife research, education, and community-based conservation initiatives. The organization frequently funds and supports projects aimed at understanding wildlife populations, enhancing habitat, and ensuring sustainable use principles are practiced worldwide.
Furthermore, SCI has a strong emphasis on education, fostering the next generation’s understanding and appreciation for wildlife and the crucial role hunting plays in conservation. Through events, conventions, publications, and its vast network, Safari Club International seeks to be a leading voice in uniting hunters and amplifying the positive impact hunting has on biodiversity and local communities.
Sportsmen’s Alliance
Established in the late 1970s, the Sportsmen’s Alliance, formerly known as the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA), is an organization fiercely committed to protecting and advancing the rights of hunters, anglers, trappers, and outdoor enthusiasts. Recognizing the challenges posed by anti-hunting and anti-trapping movements, the Alliance takes a proactive stance in safeguarding the heritage of hunting and other outdoor traditions against legislative, legal, and PR challenges.
Central to the Sportsmen’s Alliance mission is the defense of wildlife management and conservation policies based on sound science and the principles of sustainable use. By engaging in active lobbying, litigation support, and public education campaigns, the Alliance works to ensure that America’s rich outdoor traditions are preserved for future generations.
The organization also places a strong emphasis on youth education, offering programs designed to introduce the next generation to the outdoors and educate them on the vital role that hunting, fishing, and trapping play in wildlife conservation.